Nearly 150 University of Mississippi juniors were ceremonially declared pre-service teachers during the UM School of Education’s first-ever Teacher Education Induction Ceremony on Monday, February 23.
During the keynote speech, 2014 Mississippi Teacher of the Year Mary Margaret King, an English teacher at New Albany High School, shared her professional experiences with the educators in training and urged them to set a high bar for new teachers entering the profession.
“In teaching, it’s our character and our circumstances that define us,” King said. “You will get out of teaching what you put in—so be all in. Be ready to have fun, change lives and be rock stars in the classroom.”
In order to be recognized as a pre-service teacher at Ole Miss, education majors must met all requirements to enter what’s known as “Phase II” training. This process requires several weeks of first-hand experience leading classrooms alongside licensed teachers at partner schools throughout north Mississippi.
“Tonight you begin Phase II, and that’s no small thing,” UM education dean David Rock said at the event. “Our school and our profession prides itself on the hard work it takes to become a teacher and I’m proud to say our standards are higher than most in our state.”
To enter Phase II, UM students must complete all core coursework in their major and possess a GPA of at least 2.75 and an ACT score of at least 21 (or pass the Praxis Core exam). Currently, the School of Education has an average incoming ACT score of 24.5 and a GPA of 3.28 for incoming teacher education students.
“This will be your first year leading a classroom so welcome to the profession,” said elementary education coordinator Anne Monroe following the keynote address. “We expect big things from each of you.”
2015 Teacher Education Inductees
Jason Adams Lauren Carson
Daniel Aday Kayla Carter
Elise Alexander Kelsey Carter
Yasmin Ali Emily Cautrell
Nick Amelang Hayley Cheatham
Bentley Anderson Jerett Chunn
Laurel Bane Jessica Counts
Angela Barnett Haley Crenshaw
Josh Barnett Brenda Crow
Carly Barton Jessica Dace
Robert Berry Mallory Dant
Sophie Bird Kari Davis
Colin Boone Kristen Davis
Austin Bosch Alyson Deanes
Laura Brady Rebecca Deason
Rachel Bramlitt Courtney DiBiase
Blair Bravo Robin Dorris
Myranda Bridges Kellon Duff
Katy Brockman Michael Ferrell
Carley Bryson Casey Ann Foley
Samuel Buchanan Megan Fontenelle
Kimberly Burkley Brooke Franks
Ashley Burton Erica Gardener
Lauren Calvert Kristen Gilbert
Brianna Caradine Sam Goings
Lyndsey Golden Priscilla Kersey
Caroline Golson Allison Kizzire
Gabriella Gonzaba Lexi Kump
Krisi Gore Harley Landess
Caroline Greene Lindsay Long
Abbey Greer Sarah Lowery
Tiffany Grill Sarah Manning
Jennifer Gunn Sarah Martin
Millicent Haggard Meghan Matthews
Erica Hall Ave’ Mayeux
Bridget Hancock Courtney McDuffie
Tatum Hancock Amber McFarland
Anabeth Hannan Jamie McMullen
Jennifer Harper Ryan Minks
Haven Harris Haley Moore
Michael Healy Jamie Mullen
Amy Herrod Nichole Najar
Heather Hinson Molly Neighbors
Taylor Hopper Nathan Newell
Bethany Houston April Nichols
Shelby Huff Christy Nieto
Shelbi Hughey Hannah Parker
Cristen Jackson Karli Pearson
Tyler James Kayla Peeples
Hunter Jones Jessica Perkins
Lori Jones Cecily Pompa
Sarah Grace Jones Audree Powell
Abby Kaiser De’Ashley Rainey
Kayla Rakestraw Samantha Wilema
Reagan Rawson Emily Swords
Claire Rearick John Taylor
Kayla Reynolds Taryn Ternberg
Kristen Rhodes Courtney True
Jordan Richardson Shanna Turner
Hannah Riney Lauren Tyler
Addison Rogers Maya Upton
Jordan Rogers Rachel Walker
Tyler Scruton Aymber Warren
Shannon Sherman Haley Webb
Darby Sims Ben Willis
Kelly Slater Kelly Wood
Mindi Smith Kaley Worthey
Maggie Speer Stevie Wright
Lucy Steis Callie Ann Wysor
Brittany Stewart Shanika Young